By admin
January 13, 2020

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was born and raised in Buffalo, NY (go Bills!). I went to Buffalo Seminary and then Hobart and William Smith for my first undergrad degree. After HWS, I went to UB for nursing. I currently work at Mercy Hospital and am pursuing my nurse practitioner degree, which I will obtain before the end of 2021! My absolute dream job is to be a neonatal nurse practitioner. In my free time, I love to hang with fam and friends, find new spots in Buffalo and explore new cities. I am also super obsessed with my family’s two German Shepherds, Luca and Stella.
What does #RevLife mean to you?
#Revlife is hard to sum up in just a few sentences. Prior to joining last year, I dreaded my mundane gym routine, which included the treadmill and maybe a spin class or two each week. I relied solely on music to keep me motivated throughout my workouts and not the awareness that being able to exercise everyday is actually a gift. Being a nurse also serves as a constant reminder of this, as I care for many that are no longer able to simply go for a walk— let alone experience a dark room filled with 30-something people, grinding through a sprint to Biebs’ “Baby” (thanks, Chris and Laura). Now, sweating off my holiday splurges is just a bonus of the Rev experience for me. I come here and I am able to see my friends, connect with amazing new people, and reach new goals each week. Every time I leave, I feel stronger, more accomplished, and motivated to come back. The energy here is absolutely contagious— I am so grateful to be a part of this incredible community.
We all get in the zone in different ways. Where does your head go during a workout?
My one year Rev anniversary was not too long ago so lately I like to remind myself of how much stronger I’ve gotten in 12 months. Almost every week my “Level 8” on the bike or “threshold pace” on the tread changes so it is a constant reminder to recognize myself for how much I have improved! Since joining, I am so much more focused on little achievements like that, than for example thinking about my size or what I thought I should look like. Revolution has really changed my relationship with exercise for the better.
What’s your favorite class at Rev?
This is also a tough one but the one class that I absolutely have to be at each week is ArmLab with Laura. Her positivity and encouragement always, always, always get me “out of my head” and into the workout — no matter what I have on my mind that day. I am also equally obsessed with David’s RevShred and Run & Strength with Kathleen or Brian. So basically any Rev class?!
What’s your favorite meal/snack to eat after a tough workout?
It depends on the time of day for me. I take a lot of morning classes, so probably a coffee, some fruit and fried eggs. I also like to mix in some liquid IV for hydration!
If you have friends visiting from out of town how do you show the the perfect Buffalo day?
For breakfast I would probably take them to Breadhive or Hotel Henry. If it was summertime, I’d probably take them to see Canalside or maybe stroll around Elmwood and/or Hoyt Lake. After that I would take them for drinks at the Little Club, the Terrace or one of our many breweries. For dinner I would definitely bring them to Roost or Inizio and then Lake Effect for ice cream! So basically a day completely revolving around food.
What’s your favorite place to brunch in Buffalo?
Roost or Swan Street Diner – their mini donuts are unmatched!
Early bird or night owl?
I am definitely an early bird. I am normally up at 5AM for work and am ready to crash by about 9PM! On the weekends I rarely sleep past 8AM.
What’s your ideal rest day look like?
My ideal rest day consists of my comfiest pair of Lulus, a hot cup of coffee, the couch and bingeing something on Netflix or Amazon Prime. I recently finished “You” so now I’m trying to find a new show to binge on my days off. The nice part about working 12 hour shifts is that I normally have 2-3 days off during the week to recharge!
What’s your Favorite guilty pleasure song?
So many options but “Cut to the Feeling” by Carly Rae Jepsen really gets my inner teeny bopper going!
If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island which 2 luxury items would you want to have?
Assuming I already have food and water covered, then I would want my french press and a mosquito net — NOT a big bug person.
Cats or Dogs?
If you were to win $100 million today what’s the first you do?
FIRST I would pay off my student loans and then shortly thereafter I would plan a trip to Italy with my fam. Also on the list would be a second home in Copenhagen, Denmark and then I’d donate to the SPCA. Should I keep going??
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