By admin
December 23, 2019

Tell us a little bit about yourself:
S: My name is Sarah Burvid (Ippolito). I’m from Orchard Park, but now live in South Buffalo with my husband and 9 month old daughter, Bridget. I work at a bank as a manager in the Audit Department doing regulatory compliance. I love fitness- running and spinning in particular! Especially, love working out with my sister. She’s the best workout buddy! We push each other and it keeps it fun!
J: My names Jane Ippolito, I’m from Orchard Park, NY ! I originally was a teacher and recently went back to school for my MBA! I’m now working at a company doing compliance consulting work! I love working out, especially at Rev and with my sister!
What does #RevLife mean to you?
S: #RevLife is my go-to to destress! And get those good vibes (everyone there is so encouraging!)! Whether it be a break from mom-life, work, etc., I can always count on feeling 100 after a class and get to have a little me time in the process. So, thanks for all that!!
J: #Revlife to me means coming together as a fitness community and pushing each other to work harder! Whenever I’m dreading a workout I never regret coming to REV, the instructors are so motivating and are always pushing you to get that next level!
We all get in the zone in different ways. Where does your head go during a workout?
S: It depends on what’s going on, but usually it’s my to-do list! Or if something fun is coming up, I think about how that workout will benefit that outfit! And maybe putting outfits together in my head lol!
J: My initial thought is “how much longer?” Hahaha. Usually my mind goes to the weekend thinking about the fun plans I have and how this workout will allow me to eat an extra slice of pizza on a Sunday haha.
What’s your favorite class at Rev?
S: Tie between RevRide Rhythm with Lauren or Tommy and RevRun with Kathleen! I’m big on music that pumps you up in a workout and it keeps class fun! So glad there are run classes now too- my other favorite workout!
J: RevRide Rhythm with my favs Lauren & Tommy! They never disappoint! Also RevRun & RevRun + Strength (never not dying after I take them haha)
What’s your favorite meal/snack to eat after a tough workout?
S: I love a Perfect protein bar (peanut butter and chocolate!)
J: A smoothie from Healthy Scratch, my usual go to is the Low Key!
If you have friends visiting from out of town how do you show the the perfect Buffalo day?
S: There are so many fun things to do in Buffalo nowadays! I’d probably start the day with a class at Rev and then maybe some shopping on hertel. Lastly, dinner at one my favorite places- Hutch’s or Tempo!
J: It would pretty much revolve all around food haha, I’d show them all the cool new places that have opened in the last couple years!
What’s your favorite place to brunch in Buffalo?
S: I’d have to say for a hearty (or hungover) breakfast- Campfire Grill (amazing cinnamon roll pancakes! ). But, for a fun brunch and day out, I’d say Leftbank! Soo good! And it’s the cutest inside!
J: I really enjoy Roost, I love how the menu is always changing! I also really like Public Espresso, especially now that they have opened a second location closer to me!
Early bird or night owl?
S: Always an early bird, but post-baby even earlier! Lol! 7am comes awfully quick!
J: Sunday-Friday definitely an early bird! Saturday- night owl haha
What’s your ideal rest day look like?
S: Laying on my couch (snuggling with family), watching Netflix and eating Bella pizza!
J: Harry Potter marathon with some pizza on the couch!
What’s your Favorite guilty pleasure song?
S: Probably, Tipsy by J-Kwon. Reminds me of high school!
J: Salt Shaker- Ying Yang Twins & Lil John & The East Side Boys.
If you were shipwrecked on a deserted island which 2 luxury items would you want to have?
S: My iPad (for reading fantasy fiction, watching trashy shows and online shopping- my guilty pleasure) and maybe a device to make coffee? Coffee is life!
J:My cell phone and TV to keep up with all the real housewives on BRAVO.
Cats or Dogs?
S: Probably dogs, but I’ve never owned a pet. And now I have my hands full with my husband and daughter lol!
J: Sloths!
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