July 26, 2022

7 years of the best cycling in Buffalo, is about to go next-level.
Over the next few weeks, you may notice our team transitioning all classes to “beat based cycling.” All classes will be programmed according to a specific BPM playlisting format, and riders will be encouraged to catch the beat as they ride.
Why are we doing this?
1. To set a consistent class baseline for instructors and clients.
This baseline sets our clients up to win, helping them find success in the core physical presentation of the workout. Layered with the choreography instructors choose to include, their flair, and the rockstar personalities they bring to every class, it’s an opportunity for us to guarantee a best-in-class experience every single ride.
2. To continue to grow our business.
Other studios going through a similar change have proven substantial business growth through this type of evolution AND noted their clients expressed feeling more comfortable trying more instructors because they recognized that even if an instructor “wasn’t for them” the workout would still meet their baseline needs and expectations.
3. Our superpower has and will continue to be our culture of community. Riding as ONE community in a physical space TOGETHER, lifting each other up, striving to reach the attainable goals of each ride surrounded by your TEAM is the final, most powerful piece in living up to the standard of community we set for Revolution ever single day.
In addition to a beat based cycling program, we’ll be implementing consistent use and communication of the shifter, universal language for choreography cues and re-naming our cycle classes in a straightforward, streamlined manner.
What about the choreo?
For those of you on team choreo – we promise the juicy moves you know and love are coming along for the ride. And those of you that don’t? There’s still plenty of opportunity for your instructor to choose just how much choreo to incorporate – or not – based on their preference and yours! And as always, modifications are encouraged based on your needs.
We’re excited to show up for you with more consistency, connection and pride in our programming than ever before. Be sure to follow us on social media and sign up for emails as we roll everything out. We’ll be keeping you in the loop as we go!
Colleen, Rachel & Amanda
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